STAT Transcription
"Dictation + EHR = Meaningful Use"

Who We Serve…and Who Is Best Served by STAT

Because STAT Transcription’s medical transcription services can be used in conjunction with any Electronic Health Record system, we are able to offer our services to virtually any size practice group and in any area of the medical field.


That said STAT Transcription has a ten-year history of working with smaller practice groups and with medical specialists who have very specific needs as dictated by the nature of their practice. 


Specifically, STAT Transcription has proven invaluable to doctors who dictate all their notes, either handwriting or typing them, as well as physicians who dictate long letters.  We’ve worked with doctors in the fields of internal medicine, pediatrics, pediatric cardiology, psychology and psychiatry, neurology, surgery, podiatry, physical therapy and perinatology.


Additionally, because we take such a hands-on approach to supporting our physicians, we find that medical groups whose physicians have been in the field for many years and need more technology support flourish in a relationship with STAT Technology.